Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lap Band Surgery

For all over the years, we have been trying so hard to find ways to lose weight and keep a slim body. And, there have been so many methods invented, such as liposuction, diet programs, extreme exercise, slimming pills, slimming cream and etc. Some may work while some not, all depends on the individuals' body type.

But, dieting can be a disaster if you have extremely good apetite and high metabolism, and, not being able to eat our favorite food is just too depressing. If you have been struggling to lose weight, you can probably try lap band surgery. The surgeon will
insert an inflatable adjustable gastric band through small incisions and then the band will be positioned around the upper portion of your stomach. This creates a small stomach pouch and passageway into the lower part of the stomach. With a lapband, you will feel fuller and eventually eat less. :D

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