Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Memoirs of a Sojourner

As a blogger myself, I am of course a big time blog reader of many blogs. And, I am constantly searching for new blogs with good contents that attract me. There are thousands of blogs out there, so, if you are still searching for the one that will hook you up, it is really not hard.

There are many topics that I subscribed to, such as life topics, technology and gadget, beauty or skincare, and among them, I find the life-story blogs are more touching and inspiring. Some blogs even shared all their sweet and bitter experiences, from there, we can learn some lessons so we will not repeat the mistakes or go to the wrong path. One of such inspiring blogs is Memoirs of a Sojourner . The author shares his journey on faith on earth, He hopes to share and inspire others with his struggles, temptations, frustrations, joys and triumphs in living out his faith. Indeed, it is very educational and inspiring.

This is a both advantage and disadvantage of a blog, the educational blogs will inspire others to be good while the 'evil' ones might just spread bad ideas to all over the world, which is why now the blogs are such powerful tools in marketing. If you are a blogger or blog fan yourself, remember to share your life experiences with others, you never know, sometimes it could mean saving a life!

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