Sunday, September 30, 2007

What to do when you are tight on cash?

Although many of us might be secured with a job, and getting a fixed pay monthly, but, do you have a saving account? Is your earning just barely enough to cover your expenses? What would you do when you need money urgently and yet you have no money? Or, what if you have spend all your money before your next salary comes?

Well, this is life, and these are all the questions that we must ask ourselves. As the
world has become more and more materialistic, it is no wonder that we tend to overspend, which means spending more than what we earn. This is also the reason that why many loan providers boomed and are becoming larger and larger. One of the most popular loans is the pay day advanced cash loans. Even a friend of mine had to apply for the loan because the festive season is coming, and it is usually the most straining month of the year for him, clothes for children, new home decors, everything becomes a burden. Even though he has the cash advance, it does not mean that it is free money. He still has to repay the loan. Think about this, if he does not have any savings at all, how is he going to survive for the next months with deducted salary?

In my opinion, I think it is better if we can set a budget for our salary each month, from there, we will know where our money goes to, what are the necessary and unnecessary spendings. When you have made this a habit, you will find that you will be more in control of your own financial condition. As the old saying goes, we should always prepare for the rainy days.


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