Thursday, July 06, 2006

Job Hunt 4

Job hunting is indeed tiring and maddening. I am too lazy to go on with the hunt. The laziness in me is just too overwhelming. I was quite excited and motivated about looking for a job, at least, make some gold. But after some time, it's just so.. argh
I believe, many, job seekers, are like me too.

Not being able to decide a location to work is tiring. It's not possible to go up north or down south and attend all the interviews.After some time of meditating at home, i have come up with a few tricks that i tot might be useful.

1. for those of you who have not decided where to work, MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

2. mark down all the companies u have applied jobs for. you could stick the list on the wall, or somewhere nearby or phone, so u can have an easy access. This has happened to me for a few times, i just applied for jobs randomly, sending out applications,without marking down WHAT company and WHAT post. So, some days, those people would call you to check for your availability, invite you to interviews. So this would go like :" Hello, are you abc? I am calling from xyz company.."
Always, to my horror, it'd be like OMG, what is this company???!!!

So u see, isn't it horrifying to caught in this situation? when you just do not know who the hell is calling u, and u dont remember what's the post that u applied for. It seems like so impolite to ask multiple times for the company name. My advice here is, get the list ready and handy!

P/S : if you are too embarassed to ask for the company name again, give the caller your email, and ask for details to be mailed to u. hehe


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